Sea Scallops with Spicy Bacon! Smoked on the Grill!
Recipe type: Appetizer
Prep time:
Cook time:
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Serves: 20
6 tablespoons packed dark brown sugar
1 tablespoon curry powder (preferably Madras)
1/2 teaspoon cayenne
5 bacon slices (center cut, thick cut)
10 large sea scallops (1 lb), tough ligament removed from side of each if necessary and scallops halved crosswise (edge to edge)
Special equipment: wooden toothpicks
Fire up charcoal grill, coals placed in barbecue for direct heat.
Stir together brown sugar, curry powder, and cayenne in a bowl until combined well.
Cook bacon in a heavy skillet over moderate heat until some fat has rendered and edges begin to brown but bacon is still flexible, about 2 minutes.
Transfer bacon to paper towels to drain and cool.
Cut bacon slices in half lengthwise and then crosswise, so you have 20 small strips.
Divide sugar mixture among slices, spreading evenly on bacon slices and lightly pressing to help it adhere.
Place 1 scallop half, cut side down, on a slice of sugar-coated bacon, then wrap bacon around scallop. Repeat in cross pattern and secure with a toothpick.
Transfer to lightly oiled BBQ rack.
When coals are hot, add cherry wood chips and allow chips to ignite before placing BBQ rack directly on grill.
Close barbecue lid and smoke until bacon is browned and scallops are opaque, about 6 minutes total.
Serve immediately!
Recipe by The Bacon Hunter at